
Foto Friday - Bug Lighthouse

Foto Friday - Bug Lighthouse/Hiatus

Hell everyone.

This week's Photo is one that I captured in the cold weather yesterday with my colleague Bob Bicknell ( It was about 30 degrees throughout our travels, but being on the coast line, the wind made it feel much colder. This is a shot of Bug Lighthouse in South Portland Maine. One of the many lighthouses that we captured on our Lighthouse Tour of the Maine Coast.

For the Technology Geeks, this was a relative straight forward shot. I captured a three shot HDR (High Dynamic Range) with the base shot at 1/250s, F8.0, ISO100, and at 36mm (24-70 Sony Lens). The shots were blended in Lightroom, Right Click -> Photo Merge -> HDR. Minor adjustments and the shot was complete and ready to post.

As you see in the title of this post, I am planning to take a Hiatus from my Foto Friday duties. Not sure when I will re-start, but I will keep you posted. Your feedback and input to my postings has really been enjoyable and greatly appreciated!

