
Foto Friday - O'Hanlon's Bar

Foto Friday - O'Hanlon's Bar in NYC

Hello everyone.

Today's shot is one that I captured while we were walking around in New York City. I've posted the Black and White processed photo, along with the original capture. Obviously todays's shot is all about the processing of a bland photo to a shot that possibly could go into your portfolio.

For the Technology Geeks, the original shot was captured at 1/320s, F7.1, ISO 640, and at 24mm. Once I completed the initial adjustments in Lightroom, including Transform (to straighten it up), I then started the process of re-lighting the photo. In Lightroom I brought the Exposure down by -2.25 stops, and added a dark vignette around the edges. I then started to re-light the picture using the "Radial Filter" in Lightroom. Each Radial Filter was adjusted to +2 stops on the exposure slider, and the Temp slider was moved to +80 (more of a yellow hue). I added about 90 Radial filters to the base photo until I was happy with the look and results. I then ran a Nik Filter, Silver Efex Pro 2 on the shot to turn it into a B&W. After that I ran another Nik Filter, Color Efex Pro 4 that added Detail Extractor and Pro Contrast to finish the look I was after.

Hope you enjoy!

