
Foto Friday - Making a Christmas Card

Foto Friday - Making a Christmas Card

Hello everyone!

Today's Foto Friday is how I took the second picture shown here and turned it into our Christmas Card. The original shot was taken in the Acton Arboretum, of which I placed a wreath on it that I took from home. After some work and doctoring, I ended up with the final Christmas Card cover.

For the Technology Geeks, the original shot was captured as a three shot HDR in order to capture the entire dynamic range. The base shot was 1/400s, F4.0, ISO 100, 32mm (24-70mm Sony Lens). Each shot was two stops apart and combined in Lightroom. After that the photo was taken into Photoshop, straightened, snow cleaned up (removed my own foot prints), and readied to be Christmas-ized. I then ran Nik Filters Color Efex Pro4, and the Oil Paint Filter in Photoshop. After that I added a Snow Flake Frame, two Snow Flake Overlays, and then added the text. After closer inspection my wife noticed the original shot did not have snow atop the wreath it, as did the rest of the bench. So, a snow cap was added and finalized.

Hope yo enjoy, and Merry Christmas to you and your Families!

